Do you have photos of this attraction?Add the first photo and get an additional 2 points Mauritius Grand Baie Pereybere Beach See attractions in Grand BaieSee attractions in Grand Baienumber 1 in the cityGRAND BAIEMauritiusPereybere BeachLessAttractions insideFacilitiesIt may be closed due to COVID-19Pereybere Beach mapSEE ON THE MAP awaySee the distance and estimated time of arrival Grand Baie , MauritiusWebsiteTags: Beaches Grand Baie Beaches Mauritius Beaches in the world Pereybere Beach popular in the area(distance from the attraction)nr 1 in the cityPAMPLEMOUSSESMauritiusL'Aventure du Sucrenr 1 in the cityCAP MALHEUREUXMauritiusBain Boeuf Beachnr 2 in the cityCAP MALHEUREUXMauritiusNotre-Dame Auxiliatricenr 1 in the cityTROU-AUX-BICHESMauritiusBlue Safari Submarinesnr 1 in the cityTROU AUX BICHESMauritiusTrou aux Biches Beach