LatviaCourlandSilmalasSILMALAS tourist attractions+1 attraction Silmalas tourist mapSee on the mapSilmalas top attractions Show allnr 1 in the citySILMALASLatviaUžava LighthouseSilmalas Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityJŪRKALNELatviaJurkalne CliffsTOPnr 1 in the cityWINDAWALatviaVentspils Beachnr 1 in the cityKULDYGALatviaKuldiga Castle Park+2attractions inside nr 2 in the cityKULDYGALatviaAlekšupīte Waterfallnr 2 in the cityWINDAWALatviaLivonian Order Castlenr 3 in the cityWINDAWALatviaSeaside Open-Air Museumnr 3 in the cityKULDYGALatviaSand Caves of Riezupenr 4 in the cityKULDYGALatviaKuldiga brick bridgenr 4 in the cityWINDAWALatviaVentspils South Piernr 5 in the cityWINDAWALatviaVentspils Water Parknr 6 in the cityWINDAWALatviaVentspils Lighthousenr 5 in the cityKULDYGALatviaKuldiga District Museumnr 1 in the cityRATENIEKILatviaAkmeņrags Lighthousenr 1 in the cityCĪRAVALatviaCirava Forest Parknr 7 in the cityWINDAWALatviaRenka Gardennr 1 in the cityHAZENPOTLatviaAizpute Castle Ruinsnr 1 in the cityKAZDANGALatviaKazdanga Castle and Parknr 1 in the cityMIĶEĻTORNISLatviaMiķeļbāka Lighthousenr 8 in the cityWINDAWALatviaCows Sculpturenr 9 in the cityWINDAWALatviaKurzeme Democentre