LatviaCourlandMundigciems, Lībagu pag., Talsu nov., Talsu raj.MUNDIGCIEMS, LĪBAGU PAG., TALSU NOV., TALSU RAJ. tourist attractions+1 attraction Mundigciems, Lībagu pag., Talsu nov., Talsu raj. tourist mapSee on the mapMundigciems, Lībagu pag., Talsu nov., Talsu raj. top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityMUNDIGCIEMS, LĪBAGU PAG., TALSU NOV., TALSU RAJ.LatviaKamparkalns Observation TowerOther categories:LookoutsMundigciems, Lībagu pag., Talsu nov., Talsu raj. Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityPAVASARILatviaKemeri National ParkTOPnr 1 in the cityKOLKALatviaKolka Cape+1Attraction inside nr 1 in the cityKULDYGALatviaKuldiga Castle Park+2attractions inside nr 2 in the cityKULDYGALatviaAlekšupīte Waterfallnr 1 in the cityPITRAGSLatviaSlītere National Park+1Attraction inside nr 1 in the cityDUNDAGALatviaDundaga Castlenr 1 in the citySMĀRDELatviaValguma Pasaulenr 3 in the cityKULDYGALatviaSand Caves of Riezupenr 1 in the cityPRAVIŅASLatviaCinevilla Cinema Townnr 4 in the cityKULDYGALatviaKuldiga brick bridgenr 1 in the cityTUKUMLatviaDurbe Manornr 1 in the cityBĒRZCIEMSLatviaLake Engurenr 5 in the cityKULDYGALatviaKuldiga District Museumnr 1 in the cityPILEŅILatviaViktor Cojam Memorialnr 2 in the cityPITRAGSLatviaSlitere Lighthousenr 1 in the cityPLUĢILatviaViesata Trailnr 1 in the cityKANDAVALatviaKandava Old Town Promenadenr 1 in the cityMĒRSRAGSLatviaMērsrags Lighthousenr 1 in the cityZANTELatviaKurzeme Fortress Museumnr 1 in the cityKLAPKALNCIEMSLatviaLāčupīte Arboretum and Nature Trail