JordanAqabaAQABA tourist attractions+1 attraction Aqaba tourist mapSee on the mapAqaba top attractions Show allTOPnr 1 in the cityAQABAJordanGhandour BeachOther categories:BeachesAqaba Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityEILATIsraelEilat BeachTOPnr 2 in the cityEILATIsraelUnderwater Observatory ParkTOPnr 3 in the cityEILATIsraelDolphin Reefnr 4 in the cityEILATIsraelEilat Coral Reservenr 5 in the cityEILATIsraelRed Canyonnr 6 in the cityEILATIsraelMosh Beachnr 1 in the cityWADI RUM VILLAGEJordanWadi Rumnr 7 in the cityEILATIsraelIce Park and Mallnr 8 in the cityEILATIsraelEilat Musical Fountainnr 9 in the cityEILATIsraelEilat Marinanr 10 in the cityEILATIsraelBotanical Gardennr 11 in the cityEILATIsraelOrnithological Parknr 12 in the cityEILATIsraelEilat City Historical Museum