Most popular musuems of modern art ItalyVeneto Musuems of modern art Veneto Musuems of modern art Veneto mapSee on the map Veneto musuems of modern art by popularity rating +TREVISOItalyLuigi Bailo Museum+CORTINA D'AMPEZZOItalyMuseum of Modern Art See musuems of modern art in other regions Abruzzo Aosta Valley Campania Emilia-Romagna Friuli Venezia Giulia Lazio Lombardy Piemont Sicily Trentino-Alto Adige Veneto Other categories:ChurchesMuseumsPublic squaresCastlesCathedralsMonasteriesPalacesBridgesLookoutsMonumentsParksGardensBeachesSanctuariesNatural history museumsBoardwalksArt galleriesAnimalsFortressesGondola liftsBotanical GardensMilitary museumsWaterfalls