
JÁSZ-NAGYKUN-SZOLNOK tourist attractions

+6 attractions

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok is located in the central part of Hungary. These are agricultural areas belonging to the Great Hungarian Plain. The dominant landscape are arable fields and small towns and farms scattered between them, as well as historic windmills.

The capital of the region is Szolnok, which lies on the banks of the Tisza. For centuries it was a place where trade routes important for all of Hungary crossed. Of the former buildings, Roman Catholic and Calvinist churches and the synagogue have now been turned into a gallery. The city also has an Aviation Museum and a Beer Museum connected to a craft brewery, as well as a thermal swimming pool.

The attraction of the region is the Tisza river, on which you can go boating and kayaking. There are marinas for water sports enthusiasts, and tents can be put up on the banks. Tourists also come to Jászberény, where you can see the Gothic-Baroque monastery complex and the zoo connected with the botanical garden.

Jász-nagykun-szolnok the most interesting attractions divided into categories