Győr-Moson-Sopron is occupied by the northwestern patch of Hungary on the border with Austria and Slovakia. It is an industrial region with the main city of Győr. It is often treated as a transit route to Vienna, but it can boast of several beautiful monuments.
The largest city and capital of the county is Győr, where a Baroque old town with numerous churches, tenement houses and public buildings has survived. The oldest monuments of the city are the 12th century residential tower and the Gothic Doczy chapel.
At the very border with Austria lies Sopron, known for the production of red and white wines awarded at international fairs and festivals. There is also a nice old town standing on the ruins of a Roman settlement, which is dominated by a round watchtower.
The region is also known for its palaces. The most important of these is Esterháza in Fertőd, often called the Hungarian Versailles. Smaller residences surrounded by parks are also located in Hédervár, Zsira and Nagycenk.