Most popular museums GreeceThassos Museums Thassos Museums Thassos mapSee on the map Thassos museums by popularity rating +PANAGIAGreeceΟlive Οil Museum Sotirelis+THASOSGreeceArchaeological Museum of Thassos+THASOSGreeceΑκρόπολη Θάσου+THASOSGreeceArchaeological Site Aliki+POTAMIAGreecePolygnotou Vagi City Museum See museums in other regions Abderon Kavala Prefecture Samothrace Soufli Thassos Δήμος Αλεξανδρούπολης Δήμος Δράμας Δήμος Κομοτηνής Δήμος Ξάνθης Δήμος Ορεστιάδας Other categories:Beaches