FranceMetropolitan FranceGrand EstLichtenbergLICHTENBERG tourist attractions+1 attraction Lichtenberg tourist mapSee on the mapLichtenberg top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityLICHTENBERGFranceLichtenberg CastleOther categories:CastlesLichtenberg Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the citySTRASBOURGFranceNotre Dame Cathedral in Strasbourg+1Attraction inside TOPnr 2 in the citySTRASBOURGFranceOrangery ParkTOPnr 3 in the citySTRASBOURGFranceKléber squareTOPnr 1 in the cityBAERENTHALFranceNorthern Vosges Regional Natural ParkTOPnr 1 in the cityRHODESFranceSainte-Croix ZooTOPnr 4 in the citySTRASBOURGFranceThe Two Shores GardenTOPnr 1 in the cityBADEN-BADENGermanyCaracalla SpaTOPnr 1 in the cityVÖLKLINGENGermanyVölklingen Ironworksnr 5 in the citySTRASBOURGFranceRohan Palace+3attractions inside TOPnr 1 in the citySAARBRÜCKENGermanySaarbruecken Zoonr 6 in the citySTRASBOURGFranceCitadel Parknr 7 in the citySTRASBOURGFranceGrande Ile of Strasbourgnr 8 in the citySTRASBOURGFranceVauban Damnr 1 in the cityNATZWILLERFranceStruthof Memorialnr 1 in the cityOTTROTTFranceMont Sainte-Odile Sanctuarynr 1 in the citySAINT-LOUISFranceRamp of Saint-Louis-Arzvillernr 9 in the citySTRASBOURGFranceScience Center Le Vaisseaunr 10 in the citySTRASBOURGFranceMamcs - Museum of Modern and Contemporary ArtTOPnr 2 in the citySAARBRÜCKENGermanySaarbrücken Castlenr 1 in the cityLEMBACHFranceCastle Fleckenstein