Most popular museums of technology DenmarkRegion Zealand Museums of technology Region zealand Museums of technology Region Zealand mapSee on the map Region zealand museums of technology by popularity rating +NÆSTVEDDenmarkNæstved Automobile Museum+STUBBEKØBINGDenmarkDanish Motorcycle Museum+RINGSTEDDenmarkRingsted Radio Museum+RØDVIG STEVNSDenmarkShip Engine Museum+VÆGGERLØSEDenmarkBøtø Nor Gl. Pump Station+SORØDenmarkHauchs Physical Cabinet See museums of technology in other regions Capital Region of Denmark Central Denmark Region North Denmark Region Region of Southern Denmark Region Zealand Other categories:MuseumsBeachesChurchesCastlesAnimalsGardensLookoutsBridgesArt galleriesFortressesNatural history museumsBotanical GardensCathedralsParksWater parks