The medieval water castle was built in 1170. It was here that in 1282 King Erik V Glipping signed the law considered to be the first Danish constitution. It established the Danehof, the first Danish parliament, which also had its seat at Nyborg Castle. Currently, the restored interiors house a historical museum.
During the tour, you can see three banquet halls where parliament and court meetings have been held over the centuries. The interiors are fully renovated and equipped, but it is worth bearing in mind that all the furniture and appliances come from other historic mansions.
The castle was badly damaged during the Danish-Swedish war (1657–58). Most of the buildings were demolished and the material was partly used for the extension of the Odense Palace. The remaining buildings served as grain or gunpowder storage facilities. The castle was restored in 1917-1923 by Mogens Clemmensen.
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