BulgariaYambol ProvinceYAMBOL PROVINCE tourist attractions+9 attractions Yambol province tourist mapSee on the mapYambol province most popular citiesSee all cities+Yambol+7attractions +Kabile+2attractions Yambol province the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allnumber 1 in the cityKABILEBulgariaKabile Archeological Sitenumber 2 in the cityYAMBOLBulgariaBedestennumber 3 in the cityYAMBOLBulgariaMuseum of Cmbat Glorynumber 5 in the cityYAMBOLBulgariaHistorical MuseumChurchesShow allnumber 2 in the cityKABILEBulgariaKabile Monasterynumber 6 in the cityYAMBOLBulgariaAssumption Churchnumber 7 in the cityYAMBOLBulgariaChurch of St. NicholasOther categories:ParksMilitary museumsMonasteriesGardens