BulgariaVidin ProvinceVIDIN PROVINCE tourist attractions+16 attractions Vidin province tourist mapSee on the mapVidin province most popular citiesSee all cities+Belogradchik+5attractions +Vidin+8attractions +Topli+1attraction +Извор+1attraction +Орешец+1attraction Vidin province the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allnumber 2 in the cityVIDINBulgariaHistory Museumnumber 5 in the cityVIDINBulgariaKrastata Kazarma Museumnumber 3 in the cityBELOGRADCHIKBulgariaMuseum of Historynumber 5 in the cityBELOGRADCHIKBulgariaMuseum of Natural Historynumber 8 in the cityVIDINBulgariaEpigraphic MuseumCavesShow allnumber 2 in the cityBELOGRADCHIKBulgariaMagura Cavenumber 1 in the cityОРЕШЕЦBulgariaKozarnika Cavenumber 4 in the cityBELOGRADCHIKBulgariaLepenitsa CaveChurchesShow allnumber 3 in the cityVIDINBulgariaSt. Demetrius of Thessaloniki Cathedralnumber 1 in the cityИЗВОРBulgariaIzvor MonasteryFortressesShow allTOPnumber 1 in the cityBELOGRADCHIKBulgariaBelogradchik FortressTOPnumber 1 in the cityVIDINBulgariaBaba Wida FortressOther categories:LookoutsMonasteriesMonumentsNatural history museumsCathedrals