BulgariaRuse ProvinceRUSE PROVINCE tourist attractions+19 attractions Ruse province tourist mapSee on the mapRuse province most popular citiesSee all cities+Ruse+15attractions +Ivanovo+1attraction +Cherven+1attraction +Basarbovo+1attraction +Byala+1attraction Ruse province the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allnumber 3 in the cityRUSEBulgariaRegional Historical Museumnumber 5 in the cityRUSEBulgariaEco Museumnumber 6 in the cityRUSEBulgariaNational Museum of Transport and Communicationsnumber 1 in the cityBYALABulgariaByala Museum of Historynumber 9 in the cityRUSEBulgariaHouse Museum of Baba Tonkanumber 10 in the cityRUSEBulgariaMuseum of Urban Life (Kaliopa House)number 15 in the cityRUSEBulgariaNumismatic MuseumChurchesShow allnumber 1 in the cityIVANOVOBulgariaRock-Hewn Churchesnumber 1 in the cityBASARBOVOBulgariaBasarbovo Monasterynumber 11 in the cityRUSEBulgariaSt. George's Churchnumber 12 in the cityRUSEBulgariaOrthodox Church of the Assumptionnumber 13 in the cityRUSEBulgariaAll Saints Orthodox Churchnumber 14 in the cityRUSEBulgariaHoly Trinity CathedralFortressesShow allnumber 1 in the cityCHERVENBulgariaCherven Fortressnumber 7 in the cityRUSEBulgariaSexaginta Prista Roman FortressOther categories:AquariumsMonasteriesArt galleriesMonumentsNatural history museumsCavesCathedralsAnimals