Most popular churches AustriaCarinthia Churches Carinthia Churches Carinthia mapSee on the map Carinthia churches by popularity rating +MARIA WÖRTHAustriaMaria Wörth Church+GURKAustriaGurk Cathedral+VILLACHAustriaChurch of St. Jacob+KLAGENFURTAustriaKlagenfurt Cathedral+KLAGENFURTAustriaChurch of St. Giles+SANKT ANDRÄAustriaMaria Loretto Basilica+WOLFSBERGAustriaSt. Mark's Church+MARIA WÖRTHAustriaRosary Church+SANKT VEIT AN DER GLANAustriaChurch of St. Veit an der Glan See churches in other regions Burgenland Carinthia Lower Austria Salzburg (state) Styria Tyrol Upper Austria Vienna Vorarlberg Other categories:MuseumsLookoutsLakesPoolsAnimalsCastlesGondola liftsBotanical GardensMonasteriesGorgesWaterfallsCathedralsGardens