Most popular museums AustriaBurgenland Museums Burgenland Museums Burgenland mapSee on the map Burgenland museums by popularity rating +MÖNCHHOFAustriaMönchhof Open-air Museum+GERERSDORF-SULZAustriaEnsemble Open Air Museum+BERNSTEINAustriaMuseum of the Mine+EISENSTADTAustriaHaydn's House+RAIDINGAustriaLiszt Center+SANKT MICHAEL IM BURGENLANDAustriaAgricultural Technology Museum+EISENSTADTAustriaBurgenland Wine Museum See museums in other regions Burgenland Carinthia Lower Austria Salzburg (state) Styria Tyrol Upper Austria Vienna Vorarlberg Other categories:LakesChurchesCastlesBaths