Schweden    Skåne Leinen    Kivik    Kivik Esperöds Arboretum
Nummer 4 in der Stadt

Kivik Esperöds Arboretum

Lokaler Name: Kiviks Esperöd Arboretet

Kiviks Esperöds Arboretum is a unique collection of deciduous and coniferous trees, such as fir, pine, thujas and mandarin trees. This place is also famous for its beautifully blooming magnolias. Its area is 40,000 m2. Currently, the arboretum is open to visitors.

The arboretum looks most beautiful in the period June - July, when all magnolias are blooming. Some of them reach a height of up to 25 meters.

The first trees were planted here by Albert Wallis in 1920, he wanted to create a collection of exotic trees that do not occur naturally in Sweden.

For 25 years after his death, his wife and his brother expanded the collection by adding new trees. In this way, they created an arboretum that was intended to be accessible to visitors. Today it is one of the most visited attractions in the area.


Attraktionen im inneren

    Kivik Esperöds Arboretum Karte
    Esperödsallén 14277 35 Kivik , Schweden