Wanda's Mound is one of the five mounds in Kraków. It is considered the burial place of the legendary Princess Wanda, the daughter of Prince Krak, who rushed to the Vistula River in order not to expose the inhabitants of Krakow to the revenge of the German prince, whose advances she rejected. The mound is topped with a marble monument by Jan Matejko, depicting a distaff and a sword and the inscription "Wanda".
The mound is located at an altitude of 238 m above sea level, and its height reaches 14 m. At its base, its diameter ranges between 45 and 50 m, while at the horizontally cut top it is about 9 m. The mound was built most probably in the 7th-8th centuries, but the first mentions of it come from the 13th century.
As a curiosity, it is worth mentioning that from the top of the mound on November 4 and February 6 you can see the sun setting exactly over Krak's Mound. In turn, from the top of Krak on May 2 and August 10, you can see the sun rising exactly over the Wanda Mound. These dates refer to the Slavic spring and autumn Dziady, Perun and Gromnica holidays.
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