Irland    Grafschaft Galway    Menlo    Menlo Schloss
Nummer 1 in der Stadt

Menlo Schloss

Lokaler Name: Menlo Castle

Menlo Castle is located on the outskirts of Galway City on the Corrib River. These are picturesque ruins overgrown with vines and wild wine. Only the outer walls and two polygonal towers have remained of the sixteenth-century stronghold.

The castle belonged to the Blake family, considered the most important in this part of Ireland. They owned enormous wealth in several neighboring counties. The castle was built at the end of the 16th century and was inhabited until 1910. Then, in the absence of Lord Valentin and his wife, a fire broke out in the castle. The disabled daughter Eleanor and two maids died in the flames.

The Blake family never rebuilt the castle after this tragedy. It was falling into more and more ruin. With time, he became a cursed place. At the end of the 20th century, Ullick Blake, the heir to the estate, decided to rebuild it. He was found dead in his car shortly after, which only warmed up the stories of the curse hanging over the ruins. Today, the castle is primarily a picturesque ruin, beautifully situated on the bank of the Corrib River, and is often visited by tourists.


Attraktionen im inneren

    Menlo Schloss Karte
    Menlo , Irland