Dänemark    Süddänemark    Padborg    Frøslev Camp    Frøslev Camp Museum
Nummer 2 in der Stadt

Frøslev Camp Museum

Lokaler Name: Frøslevlejrens Museum

Befindet sich innerhalb: Frøslev Camp

The museum is located in the internment camp built during the German occupation in 1944. It is a branch of the National Museum. Permanent exhibitions are located in the main camp watchtower and in the barracks for prisoners.

The exhibition in the tower is devoted to the history of the camp, its construction and the political conditions that led to its creation. You can also learn more about how it is supervised and managed.

The barracks exhibitions present the realities of the everyday life of the camp prisoners. It also mentions Danes who were deported to German concentration camps abroad. It happened despite the agreement of the Danish authorities with the German command - the camp was established so that there would be no deportation.


Attraktionen im inneren

    Frøslev Camp Museum Karte
    Lejrvejen 836330 , Dänemark