Akrotiri und Dhekelia    Akrotiri    Episkopi    Das alte Kourion    Ionourion antikes Amphitheater
Nummer 1 in der Stadt
EPISKOPIAkrotiri und Dhekelia

Ionourion antikes Amphitheater

Lokaler Name: Roman Theatre of Kourion

Befindet sich innerhalb: Das alte Kourion

The largest and best-preserved building of the ancient city of Kourion, the form of which has survived to this day, was given in the 2nd century AD. The auditorium is able to accommodate 3.5 thousand. viewers, and its condition is so good that the theater now serves as a venue for concerts and performances.


Attraktionen im inneren

    Ionourion antikes Amphitheater Karte
    Episkopi , Akrotiri und Dhekelia