The main city square is located in the historic center of Brasov. Its history dates back to the Middle Ages. As early as in the 14th century, fairs were held there, attended by both local residents and merchants from other European countries. The square is surrounded by historic buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries, including the Council House, the Merchant House, the City Museum and the church.
Over the centuries, not only fairs were organized in the square, but also public penalties and executions. A city pillory stood here, witch trials took place here, and in 1688 Stefan Stenert, who was the head of the shoemakers' guild and opposed the Austrian army entering the city, was publicly beheaded.
Nowadays, various cultural and artistic events are regularly organized in the square. Among others, outdoor concerts, including the "Golden Deer", one of the most popular Romanian music festivals.
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