In Dublin, take advantage of the attractions on offer and go on one of the organized cliff walks. Thanks to such a trip, we have the opportunity to admire the most beautiful landscapes of Ireland from the best places for it, which will be shown to us by guides or which we will discover ourselves. Especially on Howth Head, the peninsula known from James Joyce's novel "Ulysses", there are plenty of sights worth exploring a few cliffs.
For such a trip, it is better not to take a car or - if necessary - use city transport or a car rental. We will move mainly on our feet, so comfortable and durable shoes are recommended. It is worth taking advantage of the many paths marked out by previous travelers, thanks to which we will see places such as the Baily lighthouse - the last Irish lighthouse, or Ireland's Eye and the local bird sanctuary, which includes, among others, razors, fulmaras, gulls and gannets. With any luck, we can even spot gray seals diving for fish in the open sea.
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