Lough Key Forest Park is a large park located on the south shore of Lough Key. It houses a visitors center with a restaurant, and numerous educational and walking paths. Woodland Segway and Electric Bike Trails have been created in the park, offering both guided bike tours through the forest and electric and regular bike rentals. Children can play in the fenced playground with towers, climbing walls and other equipment.
The park was founded in 1972. Previously it was part of the Rockingham Estate, which was owned by Sir Cecil Stafford-King-Harman. Rockingham House mansion burned down in a fire in 1957, and two years later the baronet sold the property to the state. After demolishing the ruins of the residences, the Moylurg observation tower was built in their place. In its vicinity, there are still entrances to the tunnels that used to lead to the house.
A mixture of foreign evergreen trees and native deciduous trees grows in the forested section of the park. The park features, among others lots of impressive large cedars.
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