Boyle Abbey is located in the village of the same name in County Roscommon. It has survived to our times in a state of ruin. You can see the remains of a late Romanesque church, fragments of walls and foundations of residential buildings. The rebuilt gate houses a small exhibition devoted to the history of the monastery.
Boyle Monastery was founded in 1161. It was inhabited by Cistercians who worked in the cultivation of the land and cattle breeding in the area. The abbey operated until the end of the 16th century, when in the time of Elizabeth I it was changed into military barracks. Its existence was put to an end by Cromwell's army in the 17th century.
At present, little remains of the monastery buildings. The main and best-preserved building is a roofless church with a layout typical for Cistercian assumptions. You can also see the remains of cloisters and residential buildings. During the renovation of the ruins, the gate building was rebuilt, where an exhibition about the history of the monastery was placed.
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