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Saint-Antoine l & # 39; Abbaye - Descubrimiento del patrimonio (asociación Les Amis des Antonins)
Nombre local: Abbaye de Saint-Antoine
The 12th-century abbey of the Order of Canons Regular is famous for its priceless sundial. The unique structure installed in the bell tower's staircase provides indications for four time zones with perfect precision. Also noteworthy are the 16th-century stained glass windows and the treasury - once containing hundreds of priceless works of art.
Atracciónes dentro
Saint-Antoine l & # 39; Abbaye - Descubrimiento del patrimonio (asociación Les Amis des Antonins)

Saint-Antoine l & # 39; Abbaye - Descubrimiento del patrimonio (asociación Les Amis des Antonins) popular en la zona
(distancia de las atraccion)