Source Kupe
Nombre local: Izvor Kupe
The source of the Kupa River is one of the deepest sources of Croatian rivers. At 321 meters above sea level, the water creates a beautiful turquoise-green lake. This area has been protected since December 12, 1963 and covers as much as 10 hectares (the entire upper course of the river). You can get here from the Razloge settlement, along the tourist trail. The second road leads from Hrvatsko through Kupar.
Being here, it is also worth visiting the education and tourist center in Kupari, where you can learn about the richness of the river's biodiversity. A similar center is also in Razloge. The Gorański Knowledge House, because it is called, is in an old village school. Here you can learn a bit about the history of building materials characteristic of Gorski Kotar, about rural architecture typical for Gorani, as well as about craft, shepherding and beekeeping.
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