VenezuelaChoroniCHORONI tourist attractions+1 attraction Choroni tourist mapSee on the mapChoroni top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityCHORONIVenezuelaGrande BeachOther categories:BeachesChoroni Popular in the area(distance from city center)nr 1 in the cityCARABOBOVenezuelaPatanemo Baynr 1 in the cityMARACAYVenezuelaPlaza Bolívarnr 1 in the cityARAGUAVenezuelaHenri Pittier National Parknr 1 in the cityPUERTO CABELLOVenezuelaSolano Fortnr 1 in the cityBAHIA DE CATAVenezuelaBahia de Catanr 2 in the cityARAGUAVenezuelaThe Cienaga de Ocumarenr 2 in the cityCARABOBOVenezuelaLarga Islandnr 2 in the cityBAHIA DE CATAVenezuelaDe Cata Viewpointnr 1 in the cityCHIQUITAVenezuelaSan Esteban National Parknr 1 in the cityPUERTO CRUZVenezuelaPuerto Cruz Beach