SpainCastile and LeónGranja de MoreruelaGRANJA DE MORERUELA tourist attractions+1 attraction Granja de Moreruela tourist mapSee on the mapGranja de Moreruela top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityGRANJA DE MORERUELASpainMonastery of Santa María de MoreruelaOther categories:MonasteriesGranja de Moreruela – Popular in the area(distance from city center)nr 1 in the cityZAMORASpainZamora Cathedral+1Attraction inside nr 2 in the cityZAMORASpainZamora Castlenr 1 in the cityTOROSpainCollegiate Church of Santa María La Mayor de Toronr 1 in the cityTORRELOBATÓNSpainTorrelobatón Castlenr 3 in the cityZAMORASpainCathedral Museumnr 4 in the cityZAMORASpainChurch of Saint Peter and Ildefonsnr 5 in the cityZAMORASpainEthnographic Museum of Castile and Leónnr 1 in the cityCASTRONUÑOSpainRiberas de Castronuño Nature Reservenr 6 in the cityZAMORASpainSaint Mary Magdalene Churchnr 7 in the cityZAMORASpainZamora Museumnr 8 in the cityZAMORASpainChurch of Saint Johnnr 9 in the cityZAMORASpainInterpretation Center of Medieval Citiesnr 10 in the cityZAMORASpainBaltasar Lobo Museumnr 11 in the cityZAMORASpainMerlú Monumentnr 12 in the cityZAMORASpainChurch of St. Isidorenr 13 in the cityZAMORASpainSt. Lucia Church