SpainRegion of MurciaCaravaca de la CruzCARAVACA DE LA CRUZ tourist attractions+1 attraction Caravaca de la Cruz tourist mapSee on the mapCaravaca de la Cruz top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityCARAVACA DE LA CRUZSpainEthnic Music MuseumOther categories:MuseumsCaravaca de la Cruz Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the citySANTIAGO-PONTONESSpainThe Sierra de Seguranr 1 in the cityLORCASpainCastle of Lorcanr 1 in the cityBULLASSpainSalto Del Useronr 1 in the citySEGURA DE LA SIERRASpainCastle of Segura de la Sierranr 1 in the cityRIÓPARSpainNacimiento Río Mundo+1Attraction inside nr 1 in the cityAYNASpainDiablo Viewpointnr 3 in the citySANTIAGO-PONTONESSpainSource of the Segura Rivernr 1 in the cityALHAMA DE MURCIASpainArchaeological Museum of the Bathsnr 2 in the citySEGURA DE LA SIERRASpainEl Yelmonr 2 in the cityRIÓPARSpainCascada del Río Mundo