NorwayMøre og RomsdalKristiansundKRISTIANSUND tourist attractions+3 attractions Kristiansund tourist mapSee on the mapKristiansund top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityKRISTIANSUNDNorwayKlippfiskkjerringanr 2 in the cityKRISTIANSUNDNorwayVarden Towernr 3 in the cityKRISTIANSUNDNorwayMellemværftet - Old Shipbuilding MuseumOther categories:LookoutsMuseumsKristiansund Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityAVERØYNorwayAtlantic Ocean Roadnr 2 in the cityÅNDALSNESNorwayRampStreken viewpointnr 1 in the cityMOLDENorwayRomsdal Museumnr 1 in the cityELNESVÅGENNorwayTrollkirka Cavenr 2 in the cityMOLDENorwayMolde Panoramanr 1 in the cityKVANNENorwayKvanne Ferrynr 1 in the cityAVERØYANorwayKvernes Stave Churchnr 1 in the cityAUREOSENNorwayJendemsfjellet