MontenegroHerceg Novi MunicipalityHERCEG NOVI MUNICIPALITY tourist attractions+9 attractions Herceg novi municipality tourist mapSee on the mapHerceg novi municipality most popular citiesSee all cities+Herceg Novi+7attractions +Sutorina+1attraction +Kuti+1attraction Herceg novi municipality the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesChurchesShow allnumber 5 in the cityHERCEG NOVIMontenegroChurch of St. Michael Archangelnumber 1 in the citySUTORINAMontenegroChurch of Sveti Iljanumber 7 in the cityHERCEG NOVIMontenegroChurch of St. Jeromenumber 1 in the cityKUTIMontenegroChurch of St. NicholasLookoutsShow allnumber 1 in the citySUTORINAMontenegroChurch of Sveti Iljanumber 1 in the cityKUTIMontenegroChurch of St. NicholasOther categories:BeachesCavesFortresses