MauritiusPlaine Corail-La Fouche CorailPLAINE CORAIL-LA FOUCHE CORAIL tourist attractions+2 attractions Plaine Corail-La Fouche Corail tourist mapSee on the mapPlaine Corail-La Fouche Corail top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityPLAINE CORAIL-LA FOUCHE CORAILMauritiusCaverne Patatenr 2 in the cityPLAINE CORAIL-LA FOUCHE CORAILMauritiusFrancois Leguat ReserveOther categories:CavesAnimalsPlaine Corail-La Fouche Corail Popular in the area(distance from city center)nr 1 in the cityÎLE AUX COCOSMauritiusÎle aux Cocosnr 1 in the cityHERMITAGE ISLANDMauritiusHermitage Island