IcelandEastern RegionEgilsstaðirEGILSSTAÐIR tourist attractions+3 attractions Egilsstaðir tourist mapSee on the mapEgilsstaðir top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityEGILSSTAÐIRIcelandStuðlagil Canyonnr 2 in the cityEGILSSTAÐIRIcelandEast Iceland Heritage Museumnr 3 in the cityEGILSSTAÐIRIcelandThe farm of SænautaselOther categories:GorgesEgilsstaðir Popular in the area(distance from city center)nr 1 in the cityHALLORMSSTADHURIcelandLitlanesfoss waterfallnr 3 in the cityÁRBORGIcelandVolcano Askjanr 4 in the cityREYKJAHLÍÐIcelandHerðubreið volcanonr 1 in the cityAÐALBÓLIcelandHafrahvammagljúfur Canyon