France    Martinique    Martinique    Fort-de-France    St. Louis Cathedral
number 2 in the city

St. Louis Cathedral

Local name: Cathédrale Saint-Louis

St. Louis stands in the center of Fort-de-France, the capital of Martinique. It was built in 1895 in the neo-Romanesque style. It is the seventh consecutive temple erected in this place - the first church was built here in 1657. All temples were destroyed by natural disasters - fires, earthquakes or hurricanes.

St. Louis draws attention with a soaring tower, 57 m high and towering over the entire city. In front of the building there is a small square with two royal palms. The interior of the church is decorated with stained glass windows and an iron balustrade. Under the choir there is a crypt with the tombs of the previous governors of Martinique.

As a curiosity, it is worth mentioning that the temple is an example of architecture typical of the industrial revolution period. You can see numerous iron ornaments and beams supporting the walls and ceiling. Thanks to them, the cathedral of St. Louis is sometimes referred to as the "Iron Cathedral".


Attractions inside

    St. Louis Cathedral map
    Rue Victor Schoelcher 97200 Fort-de-France , France