Square Tower, or quadrangular (square) tower, is one of the buildings of the castle in the past belonging to the princes of the Frankopan dynasty. The tower is the oldest part of the castle erected in the 12th century. It was originally a belfry, then it housed a court, and now there is a museum documenting the history of the Frankopans.
The genealogy of the Frankopan family was presented in an unusual way - in the form of dolls dressed in period clothes. The castle has a total of three towers: Square, Venetian (created an exhibition presenting the history of the city from Roman times to the present) and the Austrian.
At the end of the 12th century, the Frankopan family gained a dominant position among the many magnates clans that inhabited the island of Krk. In the following centuries he managed to focus power in a territory equal to half of today's Croatia. At the end of the 15th century the Venetians took over the island from the Frankopans.
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