Schweden    Hallands County    Simlångsdalen    Dänischer Wasserfall
Nummer 1 in der Stadt

Dänischer Wasserfall

Lokaler Name: Danska Fallen

The Danish Waterfall on the Assman River is located in a nature reserve about 2 km south of Simlångsdalen. It consists of a series of cascades with a total height of 35 m. It can be reached by one of several hiking trails that run through a deciduous forest and a deep gorge.

The name of the waterfall refers to the events that took place after the Battle of Fyllebro, which took place on August 17, 1676. It took place during the reign of Charles XI during the Danish-Swedish war. The Danish forces were then defeated, and a group of Danes took refuge in the surrounding forests and tried to cross the suspension bridge built over the waterfall. Apparently, the Swedes caught up with the refugees and cut the bridge just as Danish soldiers fell into the river.


Attraktionen im inneren

    Dänischer Wasserfall Karte
    ERIKSKÖP 598310 38 , Schweden