Polen    Woiwodschaft Niederschlesien    Walbrzych    Ruinen der Burg Nowy Dwór
Nummer 7 in der Stadt

Ruinen der Burg Nowy Dwór

Lokaler Name: Ruiny zamku Nowy Dwór

The picturesque ruins are at the top of a steep hill, now known as Góra Zamkowa. Fragments of the gothic gatehouse, parts of the defensive walls (some even several meters high) and foundations of residential buildings have survived after the former fortress. From the southern terrace you can see Borowa and Kozioł, and the yellow tourist trail from Wałbrzych to Jedlina passes through the castle.

The castle was erected by the prince of Świdnica and Jawor, Bolek II Mały in the mid-fourteenth century. From 1434, the stronghold was the property of the Czettritz family. It was then rebuilt in the Renaissance style. At the beginning of the 16th century, the castle burned down after a lightning strike and was not rebuilt.

The hill on which the ruin of the castle rises is overgrown with a beech forest. Nearby, you can also find the remains of a summer pavilion built in the first half of the 19th century on the site of a round tower at the initiative of the Czettritz family.


Attraktionen im inneren

    Ruinen der Burg Nowy Dwór Karte
    58-303 Walbrzych , Polen