Polen    Woiwodschaft Pommern    Orzechowo    Orzechowo Klippe und Strand
Nummer 1 in der Stadt

Orzechowo Klippe und Strand

Lokaler Name: Klif i plaża Orzechowo

The Orzechowo cliff and beach are located about 5 km from Ustka, from which you can get here through one of the walking routes. The beach is narrow and covered with sand mixed with stones. Along the beach there is a 25-meter cliff covered with a beech forest. As a result of the destructive power of the waves, the cliff retreats from several dozen centimeters to two meters inland every year.

Next to the beach there is also a strip of dunes with a well-marked educational trail with information panels about local nature.


Attraktionen im inneren

    Orzechowo Klippe und Strand Karte
    76 Orzechowo , Polen