Polen    Woiwodschaft Lodsch    Gidle    Basilika Mariä Himmelfahrt
Nummer 1 in der Stadt

Basilika Mariä Himmelfahrt

Lokaler Name: Bazylika Wniebowzięcia NMP w Gidlach

The basilica is the monastic church of the Dominican Fathers, guardians of this place. It was built in the place where (according to legend) the farmer Czeczek found a miraculous statue of the Mother of God, famous for its graces. The interior of the church is richly decorated and full of works of art. You can find here a rococo main altar from 1796, a crucifix from the 18th century, six Rococo confessionals, and finally a Gothic statue of Our Lady of Gidle - the patron saint of farmers and miners.

The church was built in the years 1640-1655 in the early baroque style. Soon after, the entire monastery complex was built. There is a historic wooden granary from the 18th century on its premises. In 1998, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was elevated to the rank of a basilica.

The figure worshiped here is visited by numerous pilgrimages every year. Our Lady of Gidlej is considered a healer of the sick. Many miraculous healings have survived to this day.


Attraktionen im inneren

    Basilika Mariä Himmelfahrt Karte
    plac Dominikański 697-540 Gidle , Polen