Villa Medici
Lokaler Name: Villa Medicea di Poggio a Caiano
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Park der Villa Medicea Poggio a Caiano
Renaissance villa surrounded by a large garden, built at the end of the 15th century for Lawrence Medici. It is considered one of the best examples of residential construction from this period.
It is a two-story building on the plan of the letter "u" with a hipped roof and the ground floor surrounded by arcades. A spiral staircase leads into the interior with a decorated portico. On the first floor you can admire the preserved 16th and 17th century apartments with walls covered with frescoes, and on the second floor you can admire the paintings from the Medici collection.weniger
Attraktionen im inneren
Villa Medici
Villa Medici beliebt in der gegend
(Entfernung vom Objekt)