Italien    Umbrien    Orvieto    Kathedrale von Orvieto    Kapelle von San Brizio
Nummer 3 in der Stadt

Kapelle von San Brizio

Lokaler Name: Cappella di San Brizio

Befindet sich innerhalb: Kathedrale von Orvieto

The historic chapel is located in the right transept of Orvieto Cathedral. Its construction began in 1396. The entrance arch is decorated with a double gothic rosette window. The chapel houses the famous series of frescoes by Beato Angelico, Benozzo Gozzoli and Luca Signorelli. They were created in stages from the end of the 14th century to the beginning of the 16th century.

Historic frescoes cover the entire vault and walls of the chapel. They mainly depict scenes from the Apocalypse and the Last Judgment. Among them are scenes with the Antichrist, the damned souls in Hell and the blessed in Heaven. Some of the murals also depict groups of angels, church patriarchs, and apostles.

In the niche of one of the walls there is an 18th-century altar decorated with polychrome marbles and a painting depicting St. Charles, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, Mary Magdalene and St. Agnieszka.


Attraktionen im inneren

    Kapelle von San Brizio Karte
    Piazza del Duomo 2605018 Orvieto , Italien