Frankreich    Réunion    Saint-Paul    Höhle der ersten Franzosen
Nummer 7 in der Stadt

Höhle der ersten Franzosen

Lokaler Name: Grotte des Premiers Français

The Cave of the First French is a small cave located on a cliff at the edge of the Bernica Gorge. It is located south of the city of Saint-Paul. A path with information boards showing the history of the island leads to it. In front of the cave there is a picturesque garden with picnic areas. The cave itself cannot be entered for security reasons.

Over the years, the Cave of the First French has changed its name several times. The present one is based on a local legend, according to which it served as a shelter for the first French inhabitants of the island in the 17th century, Louis Payen and Pierre Pau.


Attraktionen im inneren

    Höhle der ersten Franzosen Karte
    97460 , Frankreich