Лондонский Митрей
Локальное имя: London Mithraeum
The Ancient Mithraeum is a Roman temple dedicated to the worship of the Persian god Mithra. It was probably built in the middle of the 3rd century. Its reconstructed interior is 7 meters below the street level and reflects its appearance from around 240. Original stones and bricks were used for the reconstruction.
In the following years, the temple was probably also dedicated to other deities. Archaeologists have discovered in its area not only a bas-relief and sculpture depicting Mithra, but also marble images of Minerva and Mercury.
The temple was discovered in 1954 during construction works carried out here. Its discovery is considered to be the most important archaeological discovery in London in the 20th century. The archaeological excavations conducted in 2012-2014 were among the most extensive ever conducted in London. During the research, over 14,000 individual artifacts were discovered, including ceramics and tools.
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