Orthodox Church of the Birth of St. John the Baptist in Fokszany was built in 1661 by the Wallachian hospodar Grzegorz Jerzy Ghica. Over the years, the church was damaged several times by earthquakes, fires and the invasions of the Ottoman troops. Its present appearance is the result of the reconstruction carried out after the earthquake in 1971.
The temple is built in the Byzantine style on a cross plan. Its floor is lined with stone blocks. Inside, it is 22 m long, 6.5 m wide and 9.5 m high. From the outside, at the entrance, there is a 4-meter veranda.
Formerly, the church belonged to the monastery, which had the form of a fortress, surrounded by a granite wall, the thickness of which was more than 6 meters. Within the wall there were two-story buildings and shooting towers. It was one of the richest church estates in the area.
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