The Gothic brick church formerly served as a castle chapel, and then became part of the Crusader Monastery with the Red Star. Currently, it serves as the rector's church. Nearby is the seat of the academic chaplaincy "Maciejówka". In front of the church, you can see a baroque sculpture of St. John of Nepomuk from 1723. The famous Silesian mystic Johannes Scheffler (Angelus Silesius) is buried in the crypt of the temple.
After the war damage, the church was closed for many years. During the renovation and restoration works carried out much later, beautiful gothic paintings were discovered on the vaults of the nave and in the tower. Two Baroque side altars and a Renaissance pulpit from 1607 have also been preserved to this day.
The last renovation works in the church ended in 2012. It is worth paying attention to the cross-ribbed vaults with decorative keystones.
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