Италия    Тоскана    Пиза    Площадь Мучеников Свободы
номер 29 в городе

Площадь Мучеников Свободы

Локальное имя: Piazza Martiri della Libertà

One of the main squares of Pisa, marked out in 1833 during the great reconstruction of the city. The square is rectangular in shape and its central part is occupied by a lawn surrounded by trees, crossed by walking paths. In the center there is a neoclassical statue of Peter Leopold I, Prince of Tuscany. There are representative 19th century buildings around the square, as well as the 12th century church of St. Catherine and the Gothic convent of St. Anna, which now houses the school.


Достопримечательности внутри

    Площадь Мучеников Свободы карта
    Piazza Martiri della Libertà 56127 Пиза , Италия