Италия    Umbria    Перуджа    Базилика Сан-Доменико
номер 11 в городе

Базилика Сан-Доменико

Локальное имя: Basilica di San Domenico

The basilica was built in the first half of the 19th century. 17th century on the ruins of the 14th century church. The facade of the temple represents the Gothic style, while its interior features elements of the Baroque style. A characteristic feature of the basilica is the 15th century stained glass window, 23 m high and 8.5 m wide. It is one of the largest Gothic stained glass windows in Italy.


Достопримечательности внутри

    Базилика Сан-Доменико карта
    06121 Перуджа , Италия