Италия    Ломбардия    Melegnano    Замок Медичи в Меленьяно
номер 1 в городе

Замок Медичи в Меленьяно

Локальное имя: Castello Mediceo di Melegnano

A castle that is one of the seats of the powerful Medici family. It is surrounded by a Mediterranean garden that is currently awaiting revitalization. From the castle built between the 13th and 17th centuries, only two wings have survived to our times, including one with arcaded arcades on the ground floor. The castle is currently under renovation which has been underway since 2001.


Достопримечательности внутри

    Замок Медичи в Меленьяно карта
    Piazza Vittoria 20077 Melegnano , Италия