Италия    Сардиния    Кальяри    Ботанический сад Кальяри
номер 5 в городе

Ботанический сад Кальяри

Локальное имя: Orto Botanico di Cagliari

The botanical garden, which now belongs to the University of Cagliari, was established in the 19th century. It was inaugurated on November 15, 1866 by the famous botanist Patrizio Gennari. In the first years of the 20th century, the scientific institution reached the peak of its development. However, the streak was interrupted by World War II, during which the harvest suffered a lot.

Достопримечательности внутри

    Ботанический сад Кальяри карта
    Via Sant'Ignazio da Laconi 1109123 Кальяри , Италия